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Table of Contents
I. Introduction
II. Rationale for Research
III. Method
IV. Accounts of Behavior
V. Accounts of Feelings
APPENDIX A. - Materials Sent to Participants
APPENDIX B - Questions Asked of Each Group
APPENDIX D - Group Instructions and Guidelines
APPENDIX E - Chart - First-hand Accounts of Racial and Ethnic Activity
APPENDIX F - Chart - First-hand Accounts of Feelings

APPENDIX B - Questions Asked of Each Group

1. Questions Asked of Group 1

1. Do you feel race affects you? If so, how? If not, why not?

2. Do you feel it affects - or will affect - your children? If so, why and in what ways? If not, why not?

3. How do you feel when talking to other whites about race? What do you talk about?

4. Are you ever aware of yourself as being white? If so, when?

5. How do you identify yourself? Has the way you identify changed over time? If so, why has it?

6. How do you feel about being white? What feels good? What feels painful?

7. Has your view of race changed? If so, how, when and why?

8. If you were able to speak candidly with a black person, what would you ask?

9. What kinds of skills or tools do you think you need to interact with black people.

10. What would make you want to interact? What would not?

11. In 2050 whites will be a minority in this country. What do you feel about that? Do you see your children as dealing with that? How, how not?

2. Questions Asked of Group 2

1. How do you feel about being white? What feels good? What feels painful?

2. How do you identify yourself? Has the way you identify yourself changed over time? If so, why?

3. In the year 2050, white people will be a minority in this country. How do you feel about that?

4. How and when do you interact with black people? What feelings does that invoke?

5. We're (Alfonso Associates) going to run a focus group with black people on the subject of race. what would you like to ask the participants, and why? what would you like to tell them or say to them?

6. What would make you interested in participating in a training workshop for white people on race relations? What would make you not interested?

3. Questions Asked of Group 3

1. Do you ever identify yourselves as white?

2. How do you feel about being white?

3. What feels good about being white? What feels painful?

4. What, in your view, is characteristic of a person who is antiracist?

5. What, in your view, is characteristic of a person who is nonracist?

6. We're (Alfonso Associates) going to run a focus group with black people on the subject of race. What would you like to ask the participants, and why? What would you like to tell them or say to them?